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자바 관련 용어 정리 - object, class, method, parameter, signature, type

대부분 프로젝트 할때 자바로 했기때문에 많이 들었던 용어 들이지만 하나씩 정리를 해야 겠다.

물론 영어로..

1. object - Java objects model objects from a problem domain.

2. class - Objects are created from classes. The class describes the kind of object; the objects represent individual instantiations of the class

3. method - We can communicate with objects by invoking methods on them. Objects usually do something if we invoke a method

4. parameter - Methods can have parameters to provide additional information for a task

5. signature - The header of a method is called its signature. It provides information needed to invoke that method

6. type - Parameters have types. The type defines what kinds of values a parameter can take