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아주 유용한 자바스크립트 강좌


스프링 공부 빨리 끝내고 자바스크립트 세계로 빠져들자.~


JavaScript, The Core 

ECMA-262-3 상세 

1장. Execution Contexts 
2장. Variable object 
3장. this 
4장. Scope chain 
5장. Functions 
6장. Closures 
7-1장. OOP: The general theory 
7-2장. OOP: ECMAScript implementation 
8장. Evaluation strategy 
ECMA-262-5 상세 

0장. Introduction 
1장. Properties and Property Descriptors 
2장. Strict Mode 
3장. Lexical environments: Common Theory 
4장. Lexical environments: ECMAScript implementation 

노트1. ECMAScript. Bound functions 
노트2. ECMAScript. Equality operators 
노트3. CoffeeScript. Scheme on Coffee 
노트4. Two words about “hoisting”